
文部科学省 SSH 指定校







国公立大学合格者3年連続100名超       京都大・大阪大・北海道大・神戸大・愛媛大医学部などSSHの成果を活かして、難関大の合格者も増加。この地区のブロック大学(広島大8名、岡山大8名)16名合格は久々の快挙です。


第37回愛媛県総合文化祭 自然科学部門 優秀(全国大会出場決定)

2023年12月27日 18時02分






スクリーンショット 2023-12-27 174240

スクリーンショット 2023-12-27 174405

スクリーンショット 2023-12-27 174559

🏆奨励🏆 レンコンの成長に関する一研究(地学分野:西条)

S5360012 (2)



祝 全国総合文化祭 出場🏆🥇

Beat it!!

2022年6月3日 19時17分


We are going to participate in the prefectural basketball tournament in Ehime, on 6.4(Sat), 6.5(Sun).  It is the most important tournament for the 3rd grade students.  If we can win the game against Kawanoishi High School, we will have the game against one of the strongest teams in Ehime, St-Catherine High School, in the second round.  Our goal is to be in the best fours in Ehime.  Although we’ll have a lot of difficulty, we can do it with the teammates!!

About Our New Teacher

2022年5月27日 16時48分

We asked Jared, our new ALT (Assistant Language Teacher), a lot of questions.  Today, we are going to show some of them.


Q:What is your hobby?

A:I like climbing mountains.  I’ve already climbed Mt. Ishizuchi.


Q:What is your favorite Japanese food?

A:I like sushi, because there are a lot of types.  I like salmon the best.


Q:Where do you want to go in Japan?

A:I want to go to Osaka.


Q:What made you decide to work as an ALT?

A:I’ve been interested in Japan and Japanese culture, and wanted to change my life.  I didn’t study Japanese at my university, but I’m really enjoying leaning Japanese here.


Q:What do you think is attractive about Saijo High School?

A :I think that many students are interested in English and work hard.


Q:What is your goal through the school life here?

A:I’m trying to teach English in a better way.  And, I want to be able to speak Japanese well.


Q:What would you recommend about the U.K. to students?

A:Of course, “Fish and Chips.”


We’ve got to know a lot about him!  We had a very good time!!

To Know KYUDO is To Love KYUDO!

2022年5月26日 13時42分

Good afternoon or Good evening!

Today, we’re introducing about Kyudo, which is similar to archery, but a traditional sport in Japan.  There is 8 sections to shot a bow.  The process is called “shahouhassetsu (射法八節).”  The first section is“ashibumi(足踏み).” This action requires strong body trunks.

The second section is“dozukuri(胴造り)”  In this action, we have to concentrate on one thing, and keep our balance.


The third section is “yugamae(弓構え).” This section is the preparation to pull the bow.

The fourth section is “uchiokoshi(打起こし).” This action is pulling up the bow over the head.

These are the first half sections.  Next time, we will introduce the latter half.

Kyudo is not so familiar around the world.  But, our KYUDO club is so attractive!  We want to spread the attraction of KYUDO all over the world.  We wish you’ve got interested in KYUDO!



We Welcome Our New ALT!

2022年5月23日 18時38分

Hello! My name is Jared and I'm the new ALT (Assistant Language Teacher) for Saijo High School. I'm really excited to be teaching English and look forward to working with you all.


2022年5月23日 18時33分

Hello, everyone!  We are the team L.I.N.C.( Local and International Network Creation )!  This year, we mainly update this HP in English, introducing our school days.  We’d like to know what you want to know about Saijo High School.  Please press the like button and tell us what you like.  Thank you for watching and reading!