
文部科学省 SSH 指定校







国公立大学合格者3年連続100名超       京都大・大阪大・北海道大・神戸大・愛媛大医学部などSSHの成果を活かして、難関大の合格者も増加。この地区のブロック大学(広島大8名、岡山大8名)16名合格は久々の快挙です。


第37回愛媛県総合文化祭 自然科学部門 優秀(全国大会出場決定)

2023年12月27日 18時02分






スクリーンショット 2023-12-27 174240

スクリーンショット 2023-12-27 174405

スクリーンショット 2023-12-27 174559

🏆奨励🏆 レンコンの成長に関する一研究(地学分野:西条)

S5360012 (2)



祝 全国総合文化祭 出場🏆🥇

"Forest, Sato, and Sea" Symposium(sponsored by Kyoto University)

2021年3月25日 10時23分

The 6th "Forest, Sato, and Sea" Symposium sponsored by Kyoto University and Japan Foundation was held online on Saturday, March 13th.
First year students of the "Senjo Tanada" group made a poster presentation. (Tanada means the terraced rice fields.)

Japan Physics Conference Jr. Session

2021年3月24日 11時58分

The 17th Japan Physics Conference Jr. Session, which gives junior and senior high school students opportunities to make a presentation about science, was held online on Saturday, March 13th.  Students who worked on two research study about physics took part in the meeting.

The following are the topics of their study: The relation between power and frequency with transformer, and The study on the spiral made with the magnetic stirrer.

Poster Presentation

2021年3月23日 08時16分

On February 23rd, students did not have a poster session in order to prevent the infection spread.  Instead, all the posters the students made (1st year and 2nd year) are being displayed on the 2nd floor corridor. 


SSH Briefing Meeting of the Research Study

2021年3月22日 08時55分

On Wednesday, February 17, Saijo High School had a meeting concerning SSH project.  The students made a presentation on their research study or the online overseas training.

Research Study Presentation (Commercial Course)

2021年3月21日 11時53分

Third year students in the commercial course had a presentation meeting about their research study.  Audience, first and second year students in that course, participated in the meeting online.