

西条高校は文部科学省 SSH 指定校です。


第37回愛媛県総合文化祭 自然科学部門 優秀(全国大会出場決定)

2023年12月27日 18時02分






スクリーンショット 2023-12-27 174240

スクリーンショット 2023-12-27 174405

スクリーンショット 2023-12-27 174559

🏆奨励🏆 レンコンの成長に関する一研究(地学分野:西条)

S5360012 (2)



祝 全国総合文化祭 出場🏆🥇

Students' Stories about their Golden Week Holiday 12

2019年7月3日 10時06分

The following is a student's story about their GW holiday.

On April 27, I went to see a basketball game with my friends which our seniors took part in.  The game was held in Imabari Industrial High School.  There were two games on the first day, and on the second day, there was a rivival of the losing teams.  Our seniors had 1 win and 1 loss.

On April 28, our school team had the loser revival match with the team from Imabari Kita High School, who lost a match the previous day.  We cheered for our team with all our might.  Our team lost the game.  It meant that they had to retire.  I was very sad.  But it was good to see the seniors' games.  It was good to become a manager of the male basketball team.  I love my seniors.