


西条高校は文部科学省 SSH 指定校です。


修学旅行3日目 沖縄班①

2023年6月28日 08時17分















Good Memories!

2022年9月14日 16時12分

Students from our photography club took a lot of photos and 18 photos are posted here.  We are sorry that we couldn’t post all of them, but there were a lot of great scenes.

Sports day this year impressed us with the hard work of each group.  As Sports Day approached, students prepared for it with ingenuity in a limited time.  From early in the morning until the end of the day, Saijo High School students showed the dedication.


On the 7th, Our Sports Day

2022年9月12日 19時56分

We’ve made good memories of our high school days.  For the mosaic art, students put  small pieces together, cooperating with each other.  In the cheering contests, they learned the importance to be united as a group.  In various races, they ran through with all their might; some teachers wore costumes, which you can’t normally see.

We are ready!

2022年9月12日 19時50分



On Monday, the qualifying events were held before Sports Day.  The results are as follows:


☆Astro Wrestling

・3rd place match:Ishizuchi vs. Hiuchi

・Final:Kojo vs. Bujo


☆TUG OF WAR 3rd Grade

・3rd place match:Kojo vs. Ishizuchi

・Final:Hiuchi vs. Bujo


☆TUG OF WAR 2nd and 1st Grade

・3rd place match:Hiuchi vs. Ishizuchi

・Final:Kojo vs. Bujo

HR with City Mayor

2022年9月12日 19時42分

On August 23rd, students from the school council participated in the “ HR with a Mayor” event at Saijo City Hall. We could learn deeply about the good points of Saijo City, which we can’t usually realize, the vision of the mayor for the future, and how to proceed proposing requests to the school . The mayor answered kindly and sincerely, and they had a meaningful time.

At the Math Festa

2022年8月31日 12時41分

Five third-grade students of the Science and Mathematics course participated in the Math Festa held at Otemae High School in Osaka Prefecture.  They worked hard on mathematics studies in Multi Science last year.  The theme of their presentation was “Intergenerational Fiber Simulation of Population Ratio by Blood Type ~ Which blood type are your descendants going to have? ~”