

西条高校は文部科学省 SSH 指定校です。


第37回愛媛県総合文化祭 自然科学部門 優秀(全国大会出場決定)

2023年12月27日 18時02分






スクリーンショット 2023-12-27 174240

スクリーンショット 2023-12-27 174405

スクリーンショット 2023-12-27 174559

🏆奨励🏆 レンコンの成長に関する一研究(地学分野:西条)

S5360012 (2)



祝 全国総合文化祭 出場🏆🥇

English Board

2020年10月12日 15時14分

Our ALT made an English board to increase our students' vocabulary.


2020年10月7日 09時07分

On Monday, September 14th, 1st year students had a lecture on how to make a town friendly to people with different cultures.  Mr. Tomozawa from Saijo City Hall gave the lecture.  He talked about several topics: how Saijo City interacts with oversea institutions, how the city is working to involve citizens into intercultural events, and what the epidemic of COVID-19 has brought about to the city.

Multi Science (2nd year students)

2020年10月2日 12時14分

Our 2nd year students are now working on their research study.  Members of one of the math groups are studying how to analyze pictures under the instruction of a teacher at the National Institute of Technology, Niihama College.

Shikoku Regional Meeting of the Interhigh School Science Research Presentation

2020年10月1日 16時24分

On August 29th, the Shikoku Regional Meeting of the interhigh school science research presentation was held online for Rikejyo, or female students in the science and math course.  Seven high schools' female students took part in it.  A group of our students made a presentation on their research subject, which is about the effects of cushions that can help improve our posture by sitting on them.  They got advice to develop their research.


2020年9月17日 08時19分

On August 24th, 1st year students had a meeting at the gym.  Representatives of each class made their presentations about their reports on medicine and disaster prevention.  They had an active question-and-answer session.