
文部科学省 SSH 指定校







国公立大学合格者3年連続100名超(令和6年度は103名)      京都大・大阪大・北海道大・神戸大・愛媛大医学部などSSHの成果を活かして、難関大の合格者も増加。この地区のブロック大学(広島大8名、岡山大8名)16名合格は久々の快挙です。


第37回愛媛県総合文化祭 自然科学部門 優秀(全国大会出場決定)

2023年12月27日 18時02分






スクリーンショット 2023-12-27 174240

スクリーンショット 2023-12-27 174405

スクリーンショット 2023-12-27 174559

🏆奨励🏆 レンコンの成長に関する一研究(地学分野:西条)

S5360012 (2)



祝 全国総合文化祭 出場🏆🥇

Students' Stories about their Golden Week Holiday 5

2019年6月10日 18時02分

The following is a student's story about their GW in 2019.

I ate watermelon for the first time this year on the last day of the Heisei era.  It tasted sweet because we had had very little rain so far.  I like watermelon.  It's the best of all foods.  When I took English conversation lessons online, I told my teacher about that.  Unexpectedly, watermelons are vegetable.  Actually, melon is the same type of food, too.  My mother said to me a long time ago, "If you eat a watermelon seed, sprouts will come up out of your stomach."  Everyone knows this.  I was scared to hear that.  Looking back on it now, it was a silly story.  Speaking of watermelons, "split a watermelon with a stick blind folded," "fruit punch," and so on occur to me.  I'm getting excited just thinking about it.  I will keep loving watermelons.

Students' Stories about their Golden Week Holiday 4

2019年6月7日 14時04分

The following is a student's story about their GW in 2019.

I went to Osaka with my family on May 2nd.  We went to USJ, an amusement park in Osaka.  We rode many roller coasters, because I like them.  There are many cute characters there.  I like Minions very much.  I bought many of their goods and I bought my friends some souvenirs.  I hope they will be happy.  We were so excited.  But we were also tired, too.  Because there are many people there.  After riding the attractions, we ate takoyaki, popular Japanese food.  They were very delicious.

We went to Kyoto on May 3rd.  We visited Kitano-temangu, a Japanese temple.  I prayed to become a smart girl.  And we visited Byodoin.  We visited there for the first time.  Byodoin Hoodo hall is displayed on the ten yen coin.  I thought it was beautiful.

I was excited.  I had a good time.  The two days in which we went to Osaka and Kyoto were good memories.

Students' Stories about their Golden Week Holiday 3

2019年6月5日 19時07分

The following is a student's story about their GW in 2019.

I had the Toyo high school track and field competition from May 1st to May 3rd.  It's very important.  The top eight finalists can take part in the Ehime high school track and field competition in June, so we practiced so hard to win this competition.

I entered the 100-meter race, the 400-meter hurdle race and a 400-meter relay race.  It is the first time for me to enter the 400-meter hurdle race.  It was known as the most severe race, so I was very nervous. But I was able to finish and I will be able to enter the Ehime competition.  I was very happy.  My goal is to join the Shikoku high school track and field competition this year.  Of course, I will aim to join the All Japan high school track and field competition next year!  So I have to practice harder and harder.  I want to run faster!

Students' Stories about their Golden Week Holiday 2

2019年6月3日 14時01分

The following is a student's story about their GW in 2019.

A comprehensive rugby athletic meet was held on April 29th in Shikokuchuo city.  I am the rugby club manager.  I was very excited because I had never been to see the athletic club competition.  The venue was warmed up before the game, and we proceeded with preparations.

Then the game started.  I was fascinated by the scene of passing the ball of the club members, the form of collision, and so on.  I was very moved by seeing each play in front of my eyes as I was carrying the ball. 

As a result, we lost the game, but I saw seniors discussion the game after it was over and smiling but saying they were frustrated but had fun.
We do not have much time left with the third graders, so I would like to take care of the future games and practice days.

Students' stories about their Golden Week Holiday 1

2019年5月31日 15時59分

The following is a student's story about their GW in 2019.

I went to Kochi with my family on May 2nd. 

First, we visited an aquarium which used to be a school.  so there were a lot of innovative devices.  For example, fish were swimming in the pool and there were wash facilities before.  I felt interesed to see them because I have never seen them. 

Second, we visited a 'ruined' cafe.  At first, it felt creepy because the appearance of the cafe looked too bad.  I thought that this building was not a cafe but we had lunch there.  I ate a rice casserole with white sauce.  It was very delicious.  So I was surprised.  When I left the cafe, I thought that the retro cafe was fashionable.  I also thought that the cafe is very good because the old building is reused.  It is a good idea.  I had a good time on this day.